Current Centroid CNC controller software downloads. Latest releases of Centroid CNC software
ACORN, AcornSix, Oak, Hickory, Allin1DC, MPU11. Mill, Router, Lathe and Plasma CNC12 software download
CNC12 Requirements
1.) For use with Centroid Oak, Hickory, Allin1DC, Acorn, AcornSix and MPU11 CNC controller based systems.
2.) The CNCPC must meet minimum performance requirements found here.
3.) Windows 10/11 must be properly configured for CNC control duty. see Windows OS setup instructions for Windows10/11 here.
Acorn Users please follow the PC configuration and bench test videos here...
4.) A SHIELDED ethernet cable must be used between the CNCPC and the CNC control board.
CNC12 v5.24 Mill, Lathe, Router, Plasma, Hickory, Oak, Allin1DC, Acorn, AcornSix has been released. 1-29-25
Download CNC12 v5.24
CNC12 v5.24 Release Notes 1-28-25
Read the CNC12 v5.xx Installation & Upgrade Guide updated 7-11-2024
a video discussion of the CNC12 "upgrade" process using Acorn as an example.
Note: If you are upgrading with an Oak, MPU11 or Allin1DC from CNC software older than CNC12 v4.16 you can purchase a Pro or Ultimate License for CNC12 v5.xx at a discounted rate. This special discounted CNC software license is for Allin1DC, Oak, and MPU11 Centroid Owners that wish to upgrade from a CNC11/CNC12 system currently using Centroid CNC software revision v4.16 or earlier to the newest CNC12 v5.XX release that uses the Pro,Ultimate and Ultimate + License file structure. This allows legacy users to upgrade to the latest version of CNC12 for a one time fee. Centroid will provide at this discounted rate a Pro, Ultimate or Ultimate + License file based on the current CNC software features available. Use the Add to Cart button below to send us a fresh (use "create report" in the utility menu) and we will send you back a fresh new Licesne file to use with CNC12 v5.xx +
Add to Cart
Offline Plasma Intercon: Interactive Conversational programming software for use on a Windows 10/11 PC (not the CNC controller PC)
Download v5.24 Offline Plasma Intercon installer (1-29-25)
More Acorn Plasma Info Here
Offline Mill and Lathe Intercon: Interactive Conversational programming software for use on a Windows 10/11 PC (not the CNC controller PC)
New! Free Centroid CNC PC Tuner App Version 1.3.1 (1-28-25, improved NIC recoginition) now available!
Download Centroid CNC PC Tuner App v1.3.1 here
TB309 Windows 10/11 CNC PC Setup Instructions have been updated to complement the PC Tuner.
Download TB309 PDF
Legacy Software Downloads
Legacy ARCHIVE CNC12 software
v5.22 12-4-24
Download CNC12 v5.22
CNC12 v5.22 Release Notes updated 12-4-24
Read the CNC12 v5.xx Installation & Upgrade Guide updated 7-11-2024
Download CNC12 v5.20
CNC12 v5.20 Release Notes with known issues. updated 10-22-24
Download the v5.2 Offline Mill and Lathe Intercon installer(10-22-24)
Download v5.20 Offline Plasma Intercon installer (10-22-24)
CNC12 v5.10 Release Notes with known issues. updated 4-29-24
Download the v5.1 Offline Mill and Lathe Intercon installer(4-17-24)
More Intercon Info Here and the Installation guide is here
Download v5.10 Offline Plasma Intercon installer (4-17-24)
Read the CNC12 v5.xx Installation & Upgrade Guide updated 7-11-2024
A 64 bit version of CNC12 v5.08 was also published along with a 32 bit version (see link below).
The 64 bit version has been tested by Centroid and its beta testers over a period of many months but, is still considered a release candidate..
Looking to the future, the next version of CNC12 will be released as a 64 bit only version.
Starting with v5.10 all 3rd party apps using the Centroid APi will be required to be compiled as a 64 bit program to run along with CNC12 starting.
If you are currently using a custom App that makes use of the Centroid APi (formerly known as “Skinning”) tools, For now, use the 32 bit version of CNC12 v5.08 so you won’t have to make any changes to the custom/3rd party App.
Download 32 bit Centroid CNC12 v5.08 Mill, Lathe, Router, Plasma (1-5-24 release date)
Downlaod 64 bit Centroid CNC12 v5.08 Mill, Lathe, Router, Plasma (1-5-24 release date)
- This is a Free Centroid CNC Software Upgrade for anyone using the Acorn and AcornSix CNC controller platform
and for anyone using CNC12 v4.16+ on Oak, Allin1DC, MPU11 or Hickory.
- Since the Centroid Acorn CNC controller released (August 2017) every new Acorn CNC12 version has been free of charge.
- All existing License files work with v5.08
- All features from previous versions of CNC12 are included in v5.08
Recent Previous v5.xx Version Release Notes.
- See the release notes for details on what is new in v5.0
- See the release notes for details on what has changed in v5.02
- See the release notes for details on what has changed in v5.04
- See the release notes for details on what has changed in v5.06
- See the release notes for details on what has changed in v5.08
v5.00 was the first Unified Version of CNC12 , one CNC12 for all Centroid CNC control platforms. (Hickory, Oak, Allin1DC, Acorn, AcornSix, MPU11)
Previous to CNC12 v5.00 there were two branches to CNC12 one for Acorn and another for Oak, Allin1DC, MPU11
V4.82 Acorn
Download CNC12 v4.82 Mill, Lathe, Router, Plasma
Acorn CNC12 v4.82 Release Notes
"New Install" and "Update from older versions of CNC12" Instructions.
Acorn Installation Manual and all other Acorn documentation.
Acorn CNC12 v4.80 ATC programs with instructions (these work with v4.82)
Legacy Acorn CNC12 version release information.
v4.80 release notes.
v4.64 release notes
- Fixed issue when Parameter 43 is set to non-zero it forces the user to use a Tool Touch Off when performing a Auto Part Z0 probing cycle.
- Added more clarity in the Wizard Tool Touch page of how the TT height value effects Auto Part 0 probing cycle.
v4.62 Release Notes(all v4.62 features are included in v4.64)
Please note All Acorn documentation is located on the Acorn Technical support forum here.
Legacy ARCHIVE CNC12/11 software for Oak, Allin1DC and MPU11
Download CNC12 v4.22 for Oak, Allin1DC, and MPU11
- CNC12 v4.22 release notesPrevious releases of CNC12 information
CNC12 v4.20 release notes
-Added machine parameter 180 (Clear Limit Switch Distance). This parameter specifies the distance to move before generating an error when looking for the limit switch to be cleared during a homing (M91/M92) command. A value of zero will result in a default setting of using a distance of 0.5 inches or one motor revolution, whichever is greater. This distance only applies to a linear axis. If the axis is rotary, a distance of 45 degrees is used regardless of the parameter value.
-Added support for new Intercon KEYLOK USB dongles.
-VCP2 will try to determine the location of the word named "FinalFeedOverride_W" used in the PLC program. If it is found to be using W1 - W88, then it will use this word value for determining feedrate override. This change should make VCP2 compatible with existing PLC programs written for VCP1 that used W4 without requiring a change to the PLC program. VCP2 programs use W31.
-Fixed some display anomalies where previous G-code lines were not being erased and/or the MDI "Block?" prompt was not displaying correctly in some combinations of Active G-code display and DRO property settings.
v4.18 release notes
- Reactivated the DXF Import feature in Intercon with improved DXF import library
- Fixed issue where axis pairing was not available under any conditions.
- Fixed issue where laser measurement was not working regardless of license type or trial code.
- Fixed issue where the prompt "Press CYCLE START to continue" is not displayed when executing an M0 command if M0 jogging is available. When M0 jogging is enabled, the message "Press CYCLE START to continue (jogging enabled)" is now displayed.
- Fixed issue where the 4th axis was being set to 'N' (disabling it) when entering the Motor Parameters menu. It does prompt for changes on exit, so one can discard those changes if they were just going into the menu to look at values. Otherwise, the workaround would be to make sure you set the label again before saving changes.
- Re-enabled the setting of P500 = 1 to allow G43.3 and G43.4 to remain active when exiting MDI or running job.
- Fixed bug in the VCP where PLC memory wasn't able to be used to set LED state.
You will have to reset any MPG related parameters, see the New Parameters Guide attached to the instructions PDF below
RELEASE NOTES v4.16 CNC12 for Oak,Allin1DC,MPU11(v4.18 contains all these 4.16 changes pluse the ones listed above)
CNC12 software pricing structure explained.
Discounted CNC software upgrade path to CNC12 v4.22 software for our existing customer who have versions of CNC10,CNC11,CNC12
1.) Anyone can buy a CNC12 Pro License who is upgrading from cnc7,10,11, or cnc12 (this is called "Legacy Software Upgrade")
2.) Anyone who has an existing paid cnc7,10,11 or 12 software option unlock that is in the Ultimate Level will get the Ultimate Level License with the Legacy Software upgrade cost.
If you are updating an existing system using software older than v4.16 purchase a Pro or Ultimate License for CNC12
Add to CartCNC12 v4.14 (this is the last version of CNC12 that uses the ala cart software options scheme. Use v4.22+ to use a Pro or Ultimate license)
Click here to DOWNLOAD latest CNC12 v4.14 for use with Oak, Allin1DC and MPU11 (ZIP file) with updated PLC programs 10-29-19
zip file includes Mill, Lathe, Demo and Offline Intercon versions choose what you want during install
CNC11 software for use with OAK, Allin1DC and MPU11 CNC control boards (not ACORN), includes OFFLINE INTERCON
1.) For use with Centroid Oak, Allin1DC, MPU11 CNC controller based systems only.
2.) CNCPC must meet minimum performance requirements found here.
3.) Windows 7, 8 or 10 must be properly configured for CNC control duty. see Windows OS setup instructions for Windows 7/8/10 here.
4.) A SHEILDED ethernet cable must be used between the CNCPC and the Oak, Allin1DC or MPU11 CNC controller
click here to download ARCHIVE version v3.16 CNC11 for Windows 7/8/10 ZIP file
v3.16 Notes:
- Set parameter 348 to 0 to prevent MPG Encoder Error message from being displayed.
- For Lathes, set P240 = -1 to turn off thread accel/decell, which can be enabled later with appropriate settings if lathe threading is jerky.
- v3.16 release notes
Fresh CNC11 Installation instructions....
for Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 OS:
1.) Setup the CNCPC Windows OS for CNC control duty.
Download the .zip file
3.) Extract the contents of the .zip file onto control desktop
4.) Double-click the setup.exe file and follow the command prompts. See the Oak of Allin1DC installation manuals for more detailed information.
Updating an existing CNC11 installation to v3.16
1.) If the control is not running CNC11 v3.06 or higher, the CNC11 software MUST be updated to v3.06 before updating it to any higher CNC11 software version.
2.) Generate a report from your system following TB193.
3.) Double-click the setup.exe file and follow the command prompts.
4.) When it gets to the section about installing a PLC program, select NO.
5.) Start CNC11 and restore the report file made in step #2
If current CNC11 version is BELOW v3.06, update to and run v3.06 FIRST, then update to v3.16
All controls that are running a version prior to v3.06 must be upgraded to v3.06 first, They then can be updated directly to v3.14 from v3.06. NOTE: You must successfully run CNC11 v3.06 at least once in order to upgrade the MPU11 firmware before installing v3.16
For even older Legacy Software Downloads
Please email us the CNC control serial number and or system ID (aka key A number/letter)
and we will help you with the proper cnc software download that will run with your legacy hardware.