User Friendly CNC Controls, Turn-key professional service for Milling Machines, Lathes, Routers, Plasma, Laser & special applications. Do-It-Yourself professional grade CNC control kits

CNC Retrofits for VMC's, Machining Center CNC Control retrofit upgrade systems
Matsuura, Pratt & Whitney, Bridgeport, Leadwell, Cincinnati, Hardinge, Kitamura, Mori Seiki, Mazak, Haas, Maho Deckel, Tree, Toyoda, OKK, Okuma

Fadal Machining Centers

Great machines! Click here for more info on this fantastic CNC Upgrade.

Haas VMC retrofit parts service repair upgrade

Haas VMC retrofits

New Centroid CNC control brings Haas Machining Centers back to life.

Jerry at CJ's Machine in Anderson SC bought a CENTROID CNC equipped knee mill a few years ago. He liked the ease of programming and the fact that his guys could get work thru the Centroid equipped machine faster and easier. Over the next two years he purchased a few more CENTROID equipped machines; a bed mill and a tool room lathe.

It didn't take long for Jerry to notice that his inexpensive CENTROID equipped CNC knee mill had features that he sure would like to have on his Leadwell machining center. So, he decided to have the machine retrofitted with a new Centroid. The original Mitsubishi control was in running condition when remove from this machine! The Mitsubishi was just taking too long to program and too long to set up. For this machine, Jerry wanted the quick programming and fast setup of the CENTROID CNC.

With the new M-400 you get the choice of a sealed full size keyboard OR a regular PC keyboard for data input. Jerry like the feel of a a PC keyboard and the fact that he can use one with his new control.

With their new CENTROID control, Jerry's guys can get more work thru the machine, setup and programming are faster and easier. The machine is now more accurate and has many more features which make operating and programming fast and straight forward.

Here is a photo of an older modle M-400 equipped Pratt & Whitney TriMac Bed mill. This machine is used day in and day out to machine large dies for BBQ grills, Transmission housings and other cast aluminum parts. CENTROID CNC controls have the highest still in use ratio of any other control system. That's because we stand behind our controls with affordable spare parts and service for many years to come.

The cost to retrofit a machine with these kind of capacities is far less than buying new. Often the older machines are actually more rigid and produce better machining results!

Other older large bed mills that we have done include: Brown and Sharpe 1000VC and 1500VC, and Monarch.

This Bridgeport Interact 412x was originally equipped with a Hiedenhain control that no one could operate, it was way too complicated! We installed a new M-400 which everyone is familiar with since this customer also has two CENTROID equipped Bridgeport knee mills. Now its an easy trasition from the knee mills to the ATC machine.

It only took about 4 days to perform the CENTROID M-400 installation on the 412. This ATC machine is equipped with rigid peck tapping and a 12 pocket automatic tool changer.

There's not enough room here to show you all the great machining centers that we can upgrade. So, here is a list of a few more manufactures that make excellent machines for a Centroid retrofit: Matsura, Mori Seiki, and Sharnoa, Milltronics and almost any Anilam, Dynapath or Fanuc equipped HMC.

Please Call or email us for a Retrofit quote for your specific machine.

You can visit the Centroid CNC Community support forum "Success Stories" for more Centroid Retrofits that our customers have performed!