User Friendly CNC Controls, Turn-key professional service for Milling Machines, Lathes, Routers, Plasma, Laser & special applications. Do-It-Yourself professional grade CNC control kits

DIY gear we use but don't sell

We are providing these affiliate links below as a convenience as we and our power users have been using these DIY CNC accessories with good results. Note: No Warranty expressed or implied.

dell 24 inch lcd monitor
Dell 24" 1920x1080 Monitor NOT A TOUCH SCREEN, any enviroment
cnc axis motor flex couplers

Small sized CNC axis motor flex couplers

Medium sized CNC axis motor flex couplers

Larger sized CNC axis motor flex couplers.

db25 breakout
DB25 Breakout Board for use with Acorn and
all 5 volt Step and Direction motor drives
Barrel Prox
M12/4 china barrel prox switches good for routers . M8/2 good for milling machines and lathes.
cnc prox switches
china prox swiches that work good on mills and lathes and routers

See Kai's "CNC on the cheap" complete list here.

Klien Strippers
Wire Cutter and Stripper for 8-20 AWG Solid and 10-22
AWG Stranded Electrical Wire Klein Tools 11063W
Wire Crimper
Titan Tools 11477 Ratcheting Wire Terminal Crimper Tool for Insulated Terminals
Manual Crimpers
Klein Tools 1005 Cutting / Crimping Tool
for 10-22 AWG Terminals and Connectors
Terminal Crimper for Insulated and Non-Insulated Terminals
small wire cutters
Small Wire Cutters
Cable Cutter
Triplett CablCut
Multi-Wire Copper Cable Cutter with
Precision 10 to 20 AWG Wire Stripper
Heat Shrink
Ginsco 270Pcs 3:1 Shrink Ratio
Dual Wall Adhesive Lined Heat Shrink Tubing
Tube 6 Size 2 Color KIT Black Red

Ergonomic Super 4 Plus Automatic Wire Stripper for Wires from 0.2mm-6mm

Precision Mini Wire Stripper, 26-36 AWG for encoder wire

Standard but good quailty Klein Wire strippers 20-30 AWG

KANGORA Ferrel Wire Crimping Tool Kit
Great for Acorn terminals!

General Purpose 4 Channel 5 vdc
Relay module opto isolation
Klien Multi Meter
Pro Level Klein Tools MM400 Multimeter
Auto Ranging Digital Electrical Tester for
Temperature, Capacitance, Frequency, Duty-Cycle,
Diodes, Continuity
diy multi meter
Entry Level Proster Autoranging Multimeter
6000 Counts AC DC Current Tester Voltage Meter
Volt Ohm Meter with Alligator Clips
TRMS NCV Temperature Capacitance Diode Audible Continuity Meter
DeOxit D5
Deoxit D5 5% Spray Contact Cleaner
can't live without this stuff
DeOxit Gold
DeoxIT® Gold, G5 Spray 5%
Contact Conditioner - G5S-6, love this stuff.
Mobil Vactra CNC machine way lube oil
Machine Tool Way Lube Oil
Locktite Sleeving compound 620

Locktite "Sleeving" Bearing Mount
for Axis Pulleys and other CNC uses.

Can't build a machine without this stuff! Use on axis drive pulleys at the motor shaft and the ballscrew/rack end. Put a dab on the inside of the pulley and install it. This stops the pulley from working loose over time (set screws and flats can't take long term CNC use..they work themselves loose, this stops that!) Its always best to have a keyway that is fitted perfectly but 620 really does the job. Also used in sleeving shafts to increase thier diameter , adapters, bearing setting etc.

cnc ballscrew grease
CNC Ballscrew grease Tube
CNC Ballscrew grease Can
Spindle Bearing Grease
Spindle Bearing grease
this is a case where you don't want to cheap it
nothing works as good as this stuff.
din rail for cnc

Aluminum DIN rail 12" long

Aluming DIN rail 8" long

control cabinet cable raceway
Medium to Large size control cabinet cable raceway.

all common sizes in bulk

- el cheapo on a budget push button box and estop , cycle start, cycle cancel, tool check, feed hold etc.

- cabinet building magnifiying headband glassses

Be sure to see Kai's "CNC on the cheap" complete list here.

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