CNC11 Version 3.16 Release Notes
Release Date: 24-Oct-2016
General Changes
- Added a "Compound canned cycle error" that occurs if trying to execute more than one compound canned cycle without an intervening G180 to cancel the compound cycle, since undesired movement between cycles can occur otherwise.
The compound canned cycles are G173, G174, G176, G181, G182, G183, G184, G185, and G189.
- Updated the keyboard jog panel bitmaps for lathe and mill and added higher reslution versions, suffixed with "_hi", that are used for widescreen aspect ratios.
- Added a message "410 %c axis(%d) OpticDirect C8 error" if the OpticDirect hardware reports a code eight error or if the MPU11 firmware detects a change in position of more than 314 counts for a position mode axis. The way to distinguish between software or hardware is to look at the OpticDirect drive LED- if it is a flashing eight, then it was hardware detected. Note that OpticDirect also has a new version (10) that changes how the code eight error is implemented in that it also uses a 314 count change (previous versions were using a 512 count tolerance).
- Modified several menu screens so that the loaded job will not run when the Cycle Start button is pressed on those screens.
- The PID encoder menu has an added column to show the total amount of standoff error correction that is being applpied for each axis. A significant non-zero value here indicates that there have been significant standoff errors detected and that MPU11 is compensating for them.
- Added a snapshot of the Pid Encoder Menu to the report file to aid in system troubleshooting.
- Changed the way files are closed so as to reduce the likelihood of getting file corruption after abrupt power loss, especially in the tool library files since they are being written whenever a job stops, including on the exit of an MDI prompt.
- Changed the spindle feed forward algorithm to use a delay based upon the maximum delay of the 1st and 3rd axes (X and Z on a Mill), which will alleviate Mill rigid tapping issues on precision mode systems when other axes (like Y and U on a five axis system) have much higher delay times.
- Changed some of the timers used in CNC11 so that they are not affected by changes to the date and/or time. Specifically, these changes were made to fix a "452 PC Receive Data Error" that can happen when the time changes, such as when a Windows PC is set to automatically update the time from the internet, and said update results in a couple of seconds change to the time.
- Changes to allow G10 codes to change machine parameter 6 (Auto Tool Changer Installed), machine parameter 160 (Enhanced ATC), and machine parameter 161 (ATC Maximum Tool Bins).
- Implemented precision mode standoff error correction. There are two parameters that control the correction. One is machine parameter 261 (Precision Mode Standoff Tolerance Percentage) which indicates the percentage of the motor encoder counts per revolution for which standoff error must exceed before any correction is made. Setting P261 to zero disables standoff error correction. The second parameter is machine parameter 262 (Precision Mode Standoff Delay Time) which indicates how long in seconds that an axis must be at rest (no change in expected position) continuosly before a correction is made. Suggested settings are P261 = 0.01 and P262 = 0.1.
- MPG encoder errors are now reported in the status window as "412 MPGx encoder error", where x can be 1, 2, or 3. The warning can be ignored via machine parameter 333 (Disable differential encoder error messages) setting. Note that MPG encoder errors are never considered faults that will stop a running job. Also, many systems have shipped with machine parameter 348 (MPG 1 Encoder Input) set to 15, even if no MPG was connected. As a result, an upgrade to v3.16 may start displaying MPG Encoder Errors, and changing P348 to zero will be required to eliminate the warning.
- Optional stops are not turned off automatically at the end of the job.
- Removed options and/or references to loading files from floppy.
- The language.msg file has translations for Polish.
- Added support for M115/M116/M125/M126 commands when using paired axes. Consequently, most of the probing cycles will now work with paired axes. Also, when setting part zero for an axis that is a paired master, the paired slave position is set the same so that the DRO will show the same positions. Note that there is still no support for grid digitizing when using paired axes.
- Modified the M224 command to allow 12 lines, fixed a crash that was happening when displaying more than eight lines, and fixed another anomaly with incorrect output.
- The Control Configuration display has been changed to allow a longer "Remote Drive & Directory" to be displayed.
- The report text file now includes a snapshot of the PLC timing statistics and a listing of the scale settings and PWM parameters.
- Implemented changes to reports and file backups. A report or file backup (cnc_backup) now includes, as part of the filename, the system id along with date and time stamp. Consequently, when restoring a report or cnc file backup, a choose file selection is made instead of a choose directory selection. When restoring a report, the system id encoded in the filename is checked against the system id of the running system and prompts are displayed if there is a difference. If restoring an older file, there is a system id check against the system id parsed out of the report.txt inside the Also, when generating a report, the report text file is not copied along with the zip file, although it is still present inside the zip file. The automatic weekly report generation will keep the last ten report zip files in the reportbackup directory.
- The option "M0 Jogging" now appears in the Software Add-ons screen (F7 Utility -> F8 Options). This add-on option was previously available for unlock, but was hidden from this screen.
- Changed the minimum constraints to zero on machine parameter 365 (Drive Power On Delay) if machine parameter 256 (Drive Mode) is not set for precision mode. This change was intended to fix a jerk or bang on torque/velocity mode systems when the MPG handwheel commands movement for an axis that was powered off.
- Mill: added machine parameter 136 "G76 Fine Bore Retract Angle" to specify the angle (0 to 359 in degrees) of the retraction. A setting of zero corresponds to a retraction in the Y+ direction, so a default value of zero will not alter the behavior of existing programs.
- Intercon Mill: Implemented support for G76 Fine Bore canned cycle by adding a new toggle field ("Bore Tool Type") to the existing Bore operation. This new field can be toggled to either "Standard", which selects the default old behaviour, or to "Single Point", which generates the G76 in the posted G-code file. If this new field is toggled to "Single Point" the Bore operation UI will expose an additional field ("Retract Shift Y") so that the user can enter a shift amount for the "pull away" move that the G76 canned cycle does at the bottom of the bore hole.
- Drag Plot should now work for velocity/position mode axes provided that the PLC program is reporting load using SV_METER_x system variables. The PLC program should report a value from -100.0 to +100.0 in SV_METER_x. CNC11 has been modified to use the absolute value of SV_METER_x for load meter display, with Drag Plot using the signed value.
- Lathe: The "Restart Program" action of the default M30 is now selectable. Parameter 2 bit 6 (value 64) selects whether or not the default M30 will act like a default M2 (Restart Program). If set on, the default M30 will be equivalent to the default M2.
- Unlocks can be imported from a file in the Software Add-ons menu. The file should be the same that is generated by the keylock application "Save Info" function.
- The setup.exe installer does not give an option to install WinPcap, which is needed for the PLC Detective to function properly. WinPcap is now installed silently if the Mill or Lathe install is selected.
- Updated the Windows Sentinel Protection Installer to v7.6.8. This installer is silently called when installing demo software.
- The Utility Menu removed any mention of the Model name/number.
- Mill Offset Library Menu: F4 Batch Measure now has the same check for TT-1 being plugged in as the single-tool F3 Auto Measure. Previously the F3 Batch Measure lacked this check and thus resulted in TT-2 crashes/smashes.
- Changed the behavior of rigid tapping so that axes stay locked to the spindle at the bottom of the tap hole. Previously, the axes were not locked at the bottom of the hole between the time the spindle was detected as not moving and the issuing of the spindle reverse command since it was assumed there would be no spindle movement. However, it was possible for an unstable spindle drive to generate movement during this brief time and result in an unsatisfactory cut.
- Added support for AC/DC drive RPM mode so the AC/DC drive can act as a spindle drive or C axis for brushless or DC motors. See the PLC section for system variables used with this feature.
- Lathe: G71/G72 Profile Stock Removal cycles have optimized retraction moves.
- Lathe: Added machine parameter 243 to control threading: Bit 1 (value 2) suppresses wait for index pulse, Bit 2 (value 4) permits spindle override during threading. These 2 options are analogous to the options available in P36 (Rigid Tapping options).
- Added support for adjusting MPU11 clock settings for higher performance, which may be needed to support features added in this release. One way to check if increased performance is needed is to go to the Utility Menu and choose the F9 Logs followed by F4 MPU11. This will display an MPU11 Status window and about ten lines down in the center of the window is a count of "Interrupts". If this count indicates more than a few occurring, is an indication that higher performance is needed. The higher performance settings are accessed in the User Maintenance menu under the F3 MPU11 Speed function key. A plain F3 will prompt for a 400MHz clock setting (normal performamce) and using ALT+F3 will prompt for a 528MHz clock setting (higher performance). MPU11 will report the current setting in the debug_dump0.txt file on the line that reports feature bits. If the low bit of the feature bits is set, then the clock setting being used is 528MHz. In general, higher performance settings for the MPU11 are not needed for systems with only three axes.
- Changes to allow viewing of the Jog Parameters and Motor Parameters when not in supervisor mode.
- Several changes to enhance touchscreen support. One change is machine parameter 154 "Touch Screen Options". If this parameter is set to 1, then a half-width ESC key is displayed in most menus so there is a means of exiting the menu without using the keyboard. Most of the menus have been reworked to more fully support touch.
- The generated report.txt file also lists the Machine Parameters (P0 to P999) one per line along with its description. This will make it easier to do a file compare between two report.txt files.
- Mill: For machines with an ATC (P6=1) the default Tool Number in the Z Part 0 Setup Menu will be the currently active H offset number (or T number if H is invalid). This is to help prevent the operator mistake of neglecting to change the Tool Number field away from its default of 0, which would cause the Z part 0 to be set without any tool height offset applied.
- Mill Intercon: Changed the Clearance Height Abs/Inc mode in subprograms (Repeat/Mirror/Rotate/Depth Repeat) to default to INCremental on newly inserted operations. Also the Clearance Height default values for these newly inserted subprogram operations have been separated from the Clearance Height default values of Drill/Tap/Bore/Thread Mill/Cleanout. This is an effort to prevent crashes due to 5-axis machine operators not seeing that the Clearance Height on newly inserted subprogram operations were set to Absolute.
- Added a command line argument --adjustfortaskbar that will adjust the size of the CNC11 window to account for the taskbar. The adjustment works for the primary display when the taskbar is positioned at the bottom of the screen. This change is intended to help support touch screen control when no physical keyboard is present as it allows the on-screen or virtual keyboard to be minimized/restored from the taskbar.
- Changed the main screen operator alert of missing/default config files to appear only once per boot-up.
- Implemented accel/decel for Mill rigid tapping and Lathe threading moves (G32, G76, and G92). This change can reduce "banging" on such moves. This feature is controlled through
machine parameter 240 "Accel/Decel distance for Rigid Tapping",
machine parameter 241 (Accel/Decel rotational step size (in degrees) for Rigid Tapping), and for lathe,
machine parameter 242 (Minimum Angle Threshold for application of Accel/decel in Threading moves). A good starting point for Mill rigid tapping would be P240 = 0.1 and P241 = 10.
This feature can be disabled by setting machine parameter 240 to -1.0.
General Fixes
- Corrected the help message in backplot from "use the + and - keys to control the redraw speed" to "use the CTRL+ and CTRL- keys to control the redraw speed".
- Fixed issue in the User Maintenance Lash menu where validation was incorrect because it was not allowing negative values when screw compensation was turned on.
- Fixed issue with cnccfgutilw.exe where it was not displaying axis labels when called with the -dw option. Also, replaced the text of some output messages to refer to cnccfgutilw.exe instead of the old CNC10CONV.
- Fixed issue where the F1 Next axis command in the Power Feed menus was not working.
- Fixed an issue where jogging could be allowed even though the limit switches for an axis were tripped. As a consequence of the fix, no jogging in the direction of the tripped limit is allowed. In some cases of mis-wiring and/or improper limit switch settings, this change may make it more difficult to jog off a limit and may require an operator to zero out limit switch numbers or invert the inputs, which is easy with SV_ENABLE_IO_OVERRIDE support in the PLC program. Another necessary condition for this anomaly to occur was that the MPG was enabled and the selected axis was the one having the limits tripped.
- Lathe: fixed the wording of the display prompt when setting X Diameter/Radius reference.
- Mill: fixed a crash that could occur in Intercon when posting or graphing a program that contained a sub-program repeat specifying the same start and end block. In the particular case investigated, the repeated operation was a tool change operation, but there are other operations that would also lead to a crash. Note that a sub-program repeat of a tool change operation has no real practical use, but the fix may help a hapless Intercon programmer.
- Lathe: fixed the cnccfgutilw.exe not working for Lathe or Lathe Demo installs.
- Fixed intermittent erroneous position errors that could occur at the end of a move if the MPG is on.
- Fixed M290 command (used in Lathe Wheel digitizing) inserting unwanted characters.
- Fixed an issue with MPG that could cause a position error. The error was manifested in two ways: one was getting a position error after turning the MPG selector knob and the other was getting a position error after a jog movement ended. A neccessary but not sufficient condition for the problem to occur is changing the MPG selector knob when E-stop is engaged.
- Fixed a crash that was happening when displaying more than eight lines in an M224 command.
- Fixed issue when generating the ouput of the control configuration in the report.txt file where the output of the remote drive directory was overrunning the next line of output.
- Fixed an issue where stopping a laser run did not re-enable the override controls.
- Fixed issue with axis max rate limiting where if an axis was an OpticDirect drive, it was limited to 300 counts/interrupt even though it may be in velocity/torque mode.
- Fixed issue with axis max rate limiting where the rate limiting did not properly bound (to 300 counts/interrupt) an Oak drive axis that was in precision mode, i.e., connected to an OpticDirect.
- Fixed a bug in CNC backup restoration where it could fail if trying to restore a file for which the directory did not exist.
- Fixed OPTIC4 simulated tach output being broken for all axes except the first one.
- Lathe Intercon: Fixed bug in Turning/Facing operation in the criteria for eliminating cut passes. Before the bug fix, it was possible for cut passes(specified by Depth of Cut) to be erroneously eliminated if the magnitude difference between the starting depth and the negative of the ending depth was less than the specified Depth of Cut.
- Mill Intercon: fixed issue with the frame operation where if the Inside/Outside rect frame type is set to corner position type and then one toggles to the circular frame type, then the X and Y center fields are not shown.
- Mill: Fixed Run-Time Graphics bug where the animated cutter and tool path trail would be misaligned from the greyed-out background tool path if the CSR and/or de-Skew display options are turned on for Run-Time Graphics. (CSR display option is P150 bit 1, and de-Skew display option is P150 bit 3.)
- Lathe: Fixed misalignments in Run Time Graphics, especially on the grooving tool.
- Fixed anomaly where the Alt-I live PLC I/O was erasing the F-keys of the menu from which it was invoked.
- Fixed issue with repeated G76 fine bore (single point) drilling cycles where motion could be halted at the start of the cycle waiting for the spindle to get up to speed.
- Fixed bug where negative Kg values were not sent correctly to the legacy AC (SD) drive.
- Fixed a minor backplot graphics anomaly on the greyed-out original uncomped segment when cutter comp was turned on.
- Lathe: Fix for feedrate override affecting threading cycles.
- Fixed software lockup / out-of-memory error when axis four or higher was moved while cutter comp (G41/G42) was active.
- Fixed some file filter specifications for the Windows file open dialogs, which fixes some cases where a file should have matched the wildcard but was not being displayed.
- Modified the start.bat file to resolved issues with Windows 10 startup where CNC11 did not have input focus.
- Fixed a crash in scroll bar enabled menus that occurred if the supposedly out-of-focus scroll bar was moved while a message dialogue box was actively being displayed and processed in the foreground.
Five Axis Changes and Fixes
- Created machine parameter 32 (Autonomous Digitizing Offset Files) to determine which output files to keep after an autonomous digitizing job.
The following bit values are used:
- +1 Raw Centerline Data
- +2 Clean Centerline Data
- +4 Centerline FLow Splines
- +8 Offset Data
- +16 Spline Offset Data
- +32 Spline Offset Flow Splines
- +64 Offset Plus Flow
- Fixed issue in autonomous digitizing where the interpolated line and curve plane fills were not correct when the difference between the start and end A angle exceeded 180 degrees.
- Added the ability to perform an engine block operation on a list of cylinders, rather than restricting the option to one or all cylinders.
- Added a 'Zero X Ref' button to engine block details page 3. This button takes the value of machine parameter 380 and assigns it to G55 X.
- Added a dwell field to the boring cycle in the engine block software.
- Added a 'Y Offset' position to the surfacing cycle in the engine block software.
- Modified the main cap cycle in the engine block software so that 'Spot Face' is optional.
- Added the ability to hone clearance both directions (left and right) in the boring cycle of the engine block software.
- Updated the engine block probe_deck.cnc file that fixes a hard coded clearance amount.
- Updated the engine block database file.
- Changes for autonomous digitizing to work for metric unit settings.
- Changes to the autonomous digitizing offset surface algorithm.
- Fixed issue with rigid tapping using G184 on an articulated head machine with a B axis tilt, where the software incorrectly reported a Z negative over-travel and another issue where the tool incorrectly retracted significantly past the retract plane.
- Fixed issues with setting part position for a fifth axis articulating head with scales enabled that could occur if the MPG or jog keys were used to position the axis. Previous to this change, it was required to make an MDI move to the same position shown on the DRO before setting the part position so that it worked properly. When it was not working properly, the DRO would be off by a small amount (up to the lash). Another problem that was addressed with this change is that you now see the DRO go to the set position without requiring a return to the previous menu.
- Fixed a problem when generating an engine block report where the system appeared to be locked up, but was stuck in some very long loop adding bad data to the reported .html file. A necessary condition for this problem to occur is having only one bank.
- Fixed an issue where after running the B axis scale calibration, the previous job name would not be restored.
- Implemented a feature to automatically, and without user intervention, eliminate positioning errors casued by varying loads on the A axis when home is set. When a 4th rotary axis labeled 'A' has scales enabled and the non-zero scale encoder input is a single-turn or multi-turn absolute type (BiSS), then this axis is treated as special when executing an M26 command. There are two parameters associated with such a special axis, one is machine parameter 265 (Rotary A Axis Scale Encoder Home Position) and the other is machine parameter 266 (Rotary A Axis Scale Encoder Sign Extension). Upon executing an M26, if P265 is zero, then the scale encoder position is read and stored in P265. If P265 is not zero when executing an M26, there is a check that the scale position is within 0.1 degrees of the previous recording (stored in P265) and then the P265 value is used as an offset to the zero position. If not within 0.1 degrees, a prompt is displayed and the user can decide whether to cancel out or set a new value to use in P265. P266 is set to one in the rare case that the scale encoder position at the home position is close to zero (within 0.1 degrees), and this will ensure that rollover effects are not a problem. This feature should work with 22-bit or 19-bit BiSS encoders connected to ENCEXP hardware or an ACDC logic board.
- Modified the Set Level menu by removing the option for the 4th (A) axis.
- Changed the prompt for setting level on the fifth (B) axis to indicate that calibration must be run.
- Fixed an issue on a system with a triangular rotary scale (five axis B BiSS scale) where it was possible that small movements (< 0.002 degrees) near the level position appear incorrect. The fix was implemented in the way the file is generated from the artic-head-lut.txt file, i.e., to fix the anomaly on an existing system requires the leveling procedure to be rerun or the removing of two certain lines from the file. Also, when loading the file there is a check that the number of forward entries matches the number of backward entries and if not a warning prompt is displayed and the scales are disabled.
- Autonomous digitizing setup saves the H10 and H11 offsets and checks them when loading a new setup. If H10/H11 has changed by 0.01 inches or more, then a warning is displayed. Also, there is another check that the difference between H10 and H11 is within 0.01 inches of D10/2, i.e., the probe tip radius. In the future, changes may be made to automatically recalculate the planes when there has been a change in H10/H11 offsets.
- The Set Level function for the rotary (A) axis sets the G54 A axis position. If scales are enabled for the rotary axis, then the scale position is used to compute the desired motor position, otherwise the motor encoder position is used. A running log of the changes is maintained in the "rotary-axis-scale-set-level-log.txt" file.
- Autonomous digitizing: added a feature to allow a line (instead of a curve) interpolation of plane fills. This prompt will appear if one chooses an "interpolation" of plane angles instead of the "perpendicular" option. So now there are three ways to perform a plane fill operation: perpendicular curve, interpolated curve, and interpolated line.
- Autonomous digitizing: added the "F5 Flip" function key feature that will appear after two passes on the top side of a two-sided patch. There is also an additional confimation prompt displayed before actually stopping, moving out of port, and flipping to the other side. The check for whether to stop-and-flip is made after a point is successfully digitized, so after the function key is pressed it is possible for a delay in response if autonomous digitizing is in the process of heavy number crunching looking for a clear place to avoid collisions.
- Autonomous digitizing checks that CSR is unlocked.
- Fixed issue in autonomous digitizing where the backplot view was not correct after exiting the tool menu.
- Fixed issue in autonomous digitizing where exiting the tool menu would prompt to save changes when no changes were made.
- Change so that a transformed tool check is not performed if the fifth axis is labeled 'N'.
- Autonomous digitizing will try to continue on if it detects an unexpected probe contact on an angle (anti-shanking) adjustment move if the DSP and mechanical inputs are clear.
- Fixed problem with surface following where it would not output the surface if more than five axes were enabled.
- Added the following system variables to allow the forcing of memory bits 1-80, that work in a similar manner to the ones for forcing outputs. Note that the forced state is implemented at the end of a PLC program execution pass, so these memory bits can still take on other values during the execution pass. Also, like other force and invert PLC IO system variables, when SV_ENABLE_IO is on, they can be toggled via CTRL_ALT_F while live PLC diagnostics are displayed and will affect machine parameters 931-935 (force on) and machine parameters 936-940 (force off).
- Added system variables to support skinning applications so that they have a hollow pipe data path down to the PLC without going through CNC11. For more information on the Skinning API, see the Centroid Dealer website.
- Added several system variables that let a PLC program refer to an axis instead of a drive number. This is a convenience for writing PLC programs that are more generic without writing a lot of extra code to handle axis remappings and label changes. For the variables below, the ? represents a valid axis label (XYZABCUVW).
- SV_AXIS_LABEL_1 - SV_AXIS_LABEL_8 which return the ASCII numeric code for the axis label as specfied in the machine configuration.
- Added the following system variables that are related to AC/DC RPM mode:
- Increased the maximum size of a PLC program to 16384 tokens (up from 6144 tokens).
- Implemented user variable substitution in custom PLC message file (plcmsg.txt). If the user varaible references an axis label (#20101 - #20108), then it is replaced with the axis label character instead of the ASCII code numerical value.
- Add SV_PC_MAXIMUM_CSS_SPEED which is the commanded value given in a G50 Sssss command on a Lathe. It is updated when in CSS mode when a spindle speed command is sent to MPU11.
- The ADC inputs on the Optic Direct board are mapped into the PLC. There are 16 bits reserved for the ADC input on each drive, but the Optic Direct uses only 12. A value of 0 corresponds to full negative voltage and a value of 4095 represents full positive voltage, with 2048 representing zero voltage. Channel 1 is mapped to INP929-INP944, channel 2 to INP945-INP960, ..., channel 8 to INP1041-INP1056.
Misc changes and fixes
- Added --show and --hide command line arguments to show and hide the CNC11 display. Intended to be used in skinning applications. For more information on skinning and the Skinning API, see the Centroid Dealer website.
- Added machine parameter 79 "Paired Axes Resync Delay Time" that can be used to specify a delay in milliseconds between the release of E-stop and the enabling of the axes. If the parameter is a negative value, then a resync move will always display the CYCLE START prompt before executing motion.
- The skinning related "loadparm.xml" handling will send the parameters to the PLC.
- AC/DC drive firmware (ac1.hex): Removed Kg scaling since it was already scaled by CNC11.
- AC/DC drive firmware (ac1.hex): Fixed BiSS enocoder protocol start up to prevent jump if count was over 17 bits.
- Fixed a cutter comp tolerance anomaly where a 3 segment "dog leg" would cause an extraneous inserted "arc tail switchback" to appear if the length of the middle segment of the "dog leg" was sufficiently small (less than 2.5 times positional tolerance).
----- Anyone who adds release notes in the wrong order owes the software office lunch (McChicken sandwiches do not count!)-----?>